
On the go or in the living room, sports and esports video viewers are some of the most demanding and passionate audiences out there, and streaming is enabling delivery of the biggest games and the smallest leagues alike.

Here you'll find Streaming Media's coverage of the technology and business behind the growing sports and esports streaming market.


The State of Streaming Sustainability 2024

How do others see us, and how do we measure our progress? New data on streaming power consumption will al­low the industry to target further reductions in power consumption while working toward longer-term solu­tions that reuse old technologies alongside current best practices as a way to extend the life of streaming tech for years to come.

The State of Media & Entertainment 2024

Jake Ward, Business Development Director at Groovy Gecko, breaks down the current state of the media & entertainment industry in 2024, including Netflix's 'What We Watched' report, Amazon's ascendancy, Apple TV+'s value as a value-add, the BBC iPlayer's dominance, and more.

The State of Live Sports Streaming 2024

Live content is led by sports, and fan appetite—much like bidding for rights—shows no sign of slowing down as the calendar turns to 2024.

Review: Magewell Director Mini

Magewell's new Director Mini is a mini marvel. This 5.5" "all-in-one" production tool with a $1,299 street price can mix multiple inputs and do picture-in-picture graphics, audio mixing, recording, streaming, and more, as IEBA's Anthony Burokas explains in this in-depth review.

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Ultra-Low-Latency Streaming: HESP vs webRTC

HESP Alliance's Pieter-Jan Speelmans compares HESP and webRTC, evaluating latency, scalability, device support, network resilience, content protection, viewer quality of experience, timed metadata support, and backwards compatibility.

Interview with Jonas Engwall, Chief Executive Officer of Bedrock

An interview with Bedrock CEO Jonas Engwall. With more than 20 years' experience in the media and technology industry, and a professional career spanning almost a dozen countries, Jonas brings extensive expertise and a proven trackrecord for leading business growth and international expansion.

Interview with Pieter-Jan Speelmans, Technical Working Group Chair of HESP Alliance

An interview with Pieter-Jan Speelmans, Technical Working Group Chair of HESP Alliance. Over the past three years, he has been working actively to reduce the complexity in video pipelines and improve the viewer Quality of Experience (QoE) from perspectives beyond the video player with the High Efficiency Streaming Protocol, a highly scalable ultra-low latency streaming protocol for the next generation of streaming services.

The Future of Interactivity: nanocosmos

Demands for interactive streaming - streaming with ultra-low latency to enable smooth interaction - is at an all-time high. This is because with communication across industries we aim to engage audiences, often worldwide and at any given time. While traditional use cases like live auctions, games and bets hold a stronger position than ever, various new scenarios made it to the forefront position when it comes to bidirectional streaming: Townhall meetings with vivid discussions, polls, microbetting and even engaging concerts can happen online or in hybrid format.

Sports/eSports Companies and Suppliers