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Spring 2021 - Industry Sourcebook

Magazine Features

The State of Media and Entertainment 2021

2020 was a year unlike any other. Can the OTT momentum be sustained in 2021?

The State of Video Ad Tech 2021

As ad-supported viewing grows, the industry grapples with three key challenges: privacy, workflow fragmentation, and scale

The State of Corporate Video 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of corporate video, and while Zoom led the way, platforms like Microsoft Teams and Google Meet are doubling down.

Buyers' Guide to VOD Encoders

What's the best solution for your video on-demand encoding needs? That depends, but this guide will help you figure out which questions to ask.

How to Maximize Reach with Restreaming Solutions

If you want to maximize your reach without overtaxing your gear, then utilizing some cloud technologies to send your one upload to multiple destinations can multiply the reach of your content.

How to Create a Screencam-Based Video Lesson

Your guide to the best gear, strategies, and techniques for creating video lessons for work or school

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