Brits and Yanks Far Apart in Mobile TV Viewing
While streaming video is booming on both sides of the Atlantic, an infographic created by mobile video delivery specialist QuickPlay Media illustrates how far apart residents of the U.K. and U.S. are in video consumption.
The graphic looks at mobile TV, meaning broadcast content streamed to mobile devices, and finds that internet users in the U.K. are much more likely to get their TV from mobile devices that those in the U.S. In fact, 71 percent of U.K. mobile subscribers watch broadcast TV content on their devices, compared to only 35 percent in the U.S.
Where that mobile TV comes from also varies greatly. In the U.K., TV service providers, such at the BBC, supply a large majority of mobile TV content. In the U.S., distribution is split nearly evenly between TV service providers, cellular service providers (such as AT&T), and OTT video operators (such as Netflix).
The two countries also differ in the devices they use to watch that mobile TV content. U.K. residents are slightly more likely to have mobile phones or smartphones than those in the U.S., but those in the U.S. are over twice as likely to have tablet computers. U.S. tablet owners watched mobile TV for longer periods that U.K. tablet owners: 91 percent of U.S. tablet owners watched for 30 minutes or more in one sitting, with only 79 percent of U.K. tablet owners doing the same.
For more mobile TV results, see the infographic below.

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