Streaming Media Europe 2008
16 - 17 October 2008 - (Preconference Workshops: Wednesday, 15 October 2008)
Novotel London West London, UK
  Final Programme [PDF]   Conference At a Glance [PDF]

Thursday 16 October 2008

09.00 - 10.00
Welcome & Keynotes: Welcome & Keynotes

Keynote: Reaching New Audiences with Online Video
Claude London, Digital Director, BBC Worldwide
Keynote: Moving Pictures: How Mobile Shifts the World
10.00 - 10.30
Coffee Break: Coffee Break - Visit the Streaming Media Europe exhibition
10.30 - 11.00
A101: Evaluating and Choosing Content Delivery Methods
Moderator: Dom Robinson, Director and Creative Firestarter, id3as
Alex Wolfe, CEO, Astream
Jean David Fogiel, COO, Ipercast International
Josh Gagliardi, CTO, Highwinds
With all the various means of distribution and protocols available for video today – CDN, P2P, streaming, progressive download – there is still no single solution that meets all customers’ needs across all platforms and devices. Learn the various methodologies for content distribution, as well as the pros and cons of each type.

B101: Hitting the Target with Online Video Advertising
Moderator: Irfon Watkins, CEO, Coull & 2007-2008 Chair, Interactive Advertising Bureau Video Council
Nicola Sztuka, Senior Advertising and Promotions Manager, Nationwide Building Society
Brad Inman, CEO & Founder, TurnHere Inc
Eyal Margalit, Founder & CEO, TicTacTi Ltd
Ian Cameron, CTO, Real Time Content
There’s no doubt that online video advertising offers unprecedented opportunities for targeting precise audiences, opening up opportunities to both advertisers and agencies. But that potential has yet to be fully realised, and this session will examine what barriers remain and how to overcome them. 

Heads Up Session - Getting Up to Speed on H.264
Jan Ozer, Owner, Streaming Learning Center
H.264 is the new "IT" codec. In his 45 minute presentation, Jan will  review the most common H.264 encoding parameters (Profiles, Levels, Entropy Encoding, B-frames), then detail his research-based best practices for encoding SD and HD videos to H.264 format and for producing podcasts for the iPod and iPhone family of products. Whether you're producing for Flash or QuickTime (or even planning for Silverlight) you'll find this a great way to get up to speed on H.264.

11.15 - 11.30
Case study - The Challenges of Delivering HD Video Online
Jon Alexander, Director of Product Marketing, Velocix
The rise in consumption of HD video online is forcing the Internet to evolve in new directions.  It creates unique challenges which the technologies that have evolved to deliver web pages, images and small embedded videos are struggling to cope with.  The protocols, caches and networks that were architected for short lived transactions to deliver files on average much less than 10MB in size, are groaning under the strain of HD video that is at least an order of magnitude larger and that require sustained delivery speeds of several Mbps.  In this session we will identify where some of the challenges to delivering a flawless HD experience lie and identify some of the solutions that you should look for to avoid falling into these pitfalls.

11.45 - 12.30
A102: New Horizons in Mobile Video
David Fremaux, VP Sales Europe, Dilithium Networks
Maria Christenson, CEO, Mobizoft
Joakim Rosenqvist, CEO, Streamio Networks
Jeremy Flynn, CEO, D2see
Delivering content to mobile devices offers unprecedented opportunity but also a myriad of challenges involving everything from encoding and delivery to monetisation models. Our panellists discuss the latest trends in mobile video content.

B102: How to Successfully Monetise Video Content and Cope with Unexpected Traffic
Matthew Taylor, Head of Online, At the Races
Kevin Quinn, VP EU Strategy and Development, Level 3 Communications, LLC
With rich streamed media as the norm, how can organisations ensure the consumer is going to get the best possible experience when the site is under unexpected traffic pressure? This is a particular dilemma for time-critical industries, such as sports and music, where one event provokes a sudden spike in interest. Matthew Taylor from At The Races and Kevin Quinn from Level 3 Communications join forces to discuss adding video to your site, monetising your content and developing your infrastructure to deal with flash traffic to deliver that all-important quality user experience online.

12.00 - 12.30
Case study - The Intelligent Multi Content Delivery Network
Jean David Fogiel, COO, Ipercast International
Discover more about Ipercast’s Intelligent Multi Content Delivery Network (CDN) which is connected with the biggest CDNs and IP providers worldwide, guaranteeing maximum availability of your website content and ensuring delivery of large files in the fastest possible time.

12.30 - 13.45
Lunch Break: Lunch Break
12.45 - 13.15
Case study - How to Make Money out of Streaming
Peter Lewinton, Managing Director, KlipCorp Ltd
As the addressable universe for broadband has developed and the costs for delivering video online have fallen the opportunity has emerged for rights owners to profit from online distribution. This session explores how the breakeven point for profit via online distribution is within reach for niche operators if they work with the right partners.

13.45 - 14.30
A103: A Crash Course in Microsoft Silverlight
Dene Schonknecht, Global Industry Manager – Media & Entertainment, Microsoft
Xavier Pouyat, Senior Program Manager, Microsoft Azure Media Services, Microsoft Corporation
An overview of delivering video and other rich media content within Microsoft’s Silverlight runtime, focusing on the new features in Silverlight 2.0 and Microsoft Expression Encoder, plus a discussion of how it stacks up against its main competitor, Adobe Flash.

B103: Online Video and Streaming Media: The Financiers' View
Moderator: James Enck, Industry Expert
Alain-Gabriel Courtines, Intel Capital
Taavet Hinrikus, Advisor, Ambient Sound Investments & Non-Executive Director,
Frederic Court, Partner, Advent Venture Partners
The number of startup and established companies in the online video industry is growing at a rapid pace, and acquisitions, fundings, and failures all play a significant role in shaping the industry. This panel of financiers discuss the state of the markets, what gets them excited, and how it could impact the way you do business.

14.00 - 14.30
Heads Up Session - Expression Encoder and Silverlight Live Streaming
Tony Klejna, CEO/CSO, Contributing Editor, Streaming Media Magazine, High Park Media, LLC
An overview using Microsoft Expression Encoder 2 to create on-demand  video assets. Discover how to create an application package with all necessary media  and support files and view it with the free Silverlight Live Streaming  service.

14.45 - 15.15
A104: A Crash Course in the Adobe Media Player
Steve Allison, Technical Evangelist, Strategic Alliances, Adobe Systems
The Adobe Media Player (AMP) lets content publishers deploy Flash and H.264 video for viewing and interactivity both on and offline, with or without targeted ad delivery and reporting. This session examines AMP’s most compelling features and what they mean for publishers.

B104: Comparing Internet TV Platforms
Raghav Gupta, VP, Business Development, EMEA, Brightcove
Bismarck Lepe, Co-founder, President of Products, Ooyala
Avi Cohen, CEO, BestTV
Jay Pritchard, CTO, Datpresenter
Internet TV platforms are helping traditional broadcasters and online-only video publishers alike pursue innovative distribution and monetisation strategies. This panel features several leading internet TV platforms for a lively debate and discussion about what content owners should look for when selecting one.

Case study - Advanced CDN Technology – What’s new and how can it help you drive revenue?
Josh Gagliardi, CTO, Highwinds
Join CDN visionary and Highwinds CTO Josh Gagliardi for a review of the latest advancements in the global delivery of rich media.  Learn how innovations from Highwinds can you help you roll out an unmatched Internet strategy, gain access to real-time analytics, and stream live and on-demand content in HD.

15.30 - 16.00
Coffee Break: Coffee Break - Visit the Streaming Media Europe exhibition
Heads Up Session: Five Tips for Building a Successful Internet TV Destination
Emma Woods, Director, Internap
Internap presents “Five Tips for Building a Successful Internet TV Destination.” Learn about the most critical technologies to support Internet TV programming.

16.00 - 17.00
A105 & B105: Young People's Attitudes towards Online Video (Joint Session)
Moderator: Kerrie Neale, Managing Consultant, Nedstat
Onur Durak, Digital technology Student, University of Hertfordshire
Enrico Tessarin, Creative Producer, Fourth Passenger Ltd
Dane Streeter, Streaming Manager, Radica
Phil Lethbridge, Founder,
In this special session, a pan-European panel of students discuss their online and mobile video consumption habits. Learn what types of video content they like, what sites they get their content from, the devices they are playing it on, and how they interact with video advertising. Bring your own questions for a lively Q&A session with the students at the end of the session.

17.00 - 18.00
Reception: Streaming Media Europe Reception
Join us for an informal drinks reception in the exhibition hall and network with industry colleagues from around the world. All welcome.

Friday 17 October 2008

09.00 - 10.00
Welcome & Keynotes: Welcome & Keynotes
Keynote: I Want My MTV OD
Alec Hendry, Director of Digital Media Operations and Development, MTV Networks UK and Ireland
Keynote: Beyond User-Generated Video: Curating Content for the Online Audience
Digby Lewis, Creative Director, Daily Motion
10.00 - 10.30
Coffee Break: Coffee Break - Visit the Streaming Media Europe exhibition
10.15 - 10.30
Heads Up Session - Effective Use of Rich Media for Corporate Communications
Steve Garvey, Chairman and CEO, World Television Group PLC
Corporate video has been changing. From films to channels. From tapes to online. From "show-and-tell" to engaging interactive content. From one video a year to regular bite-sized videos produced regularly to extend the dialogue. As companies increase their use of video and multimedia, the demand for effective return on investment also increases. Steve Garvey's presentation will demonstrate how multinational organisations are approaching the multi-channel opportunity, what sort of content works for certain audiences and most importantly, how can results be measured more effectively.

10.30 - 11.30
A106: Live Streaming of Sports Events with Flash Video
Moderator: Stefan Richter, Managing Director, FlashComGuru, Scribblar and muchosmedia
Howard Kitto, Group Chief Technology Officer, Perform Group
Nicolas Klein, Executive Technical Director, Eurosport
Paul Wilkins, CTO, On2 Technologies
This panel looks at how Flash Video (FLV) streaming is enabling sports broadcasters to deliver better-quality, lower-latency live content while still allowing for rights management to prevent unauthorised viewers from accessing the content.

B106: Real-World ROI: Case Studies from Specific Vertical Markets
Tuomas Rinta, Development Manager, Virtual Recruitment Fair
Kristiina Åberg, Marketing Director, GoodMood
Rogulja Wolf, Digital Streaming Operations and Content Manager, Sandia National Laboratories
Judy Hubbard, Video Services Department Manager, Sandia National Laboratories
Stephen Emmott, Head of Web Services, London School of Economics
Come to this session to hear about real-world applications and successes of online video and streaming media overall in corporate,
government and education applications.

11.45 - 12.15
A107: Fixing the Broken Links in the Digital Delivery Value Chain
Moderator: John Dillon, Chief Marketing Officer, Velocix
Dale Barnes, Head of Advanced Technology Trials, Virgin Media
Richard Cooper, Controller Digital Distribution & Operations, BBC
Christine Mitchell, Head of Content and Strategic Partnerships, Carphone Warehouse
Content providers, CDNs, transit providers, ISPs. They all have a role to play in delivering a high quality and compelling online video
experience. The issue is that they are not always pulling in the same direction due to fundamental flaws in the relationships and economic flows between these providers that have evolved over time. Rapidly increasing traffic volumes, driven primarily by the introduction of new online video services with growing audiences, is increasing the tension. This session explores these issues and suggests steps that can be taken to fix the broken links that exist today.

B107: The Convergence of Social Media and Online Video
Moderator: Jose Castillo, President, Flavor, Inc.
Njara Zafimehy, VP Marketing and Sales, ScrOOn
Fernando Gil del Bernabé, Managing Director, Strategy and Consumer, Internet Business Solutions Group, Cisco Systems
Yann Motte, Co-Founder and CEO, Webjam
Sites that augment their video delivery with social functionality – blogs, wikis, tagging and video responses – to name a few, are exploding in popularity. But what’s the business value? Our panelists debate whether social media presents real business opportunities for publishers or is just a fad without true ROI potential. 

Case study - Deploying and Managing a CDN
Stef van der Ziel, CEO, Jet-Stream
Discover how easy it is to deploy and manage a content delivery network.

12.30 - 13.00
Lunch Break: Lunch Break
Heads Up Session - The Secret to Great Videos: Clean Audio
Jose Castillo, President, Flavor, Inc.
While everyone's busy debating the merits of HD vs. SD and one video format vs. another, people often forget that without clean, clear audio, viewers won't pay attention, no matter how good the video quality is. We'll review several portable audio interfaces and go over tips and tricks for recording excellent sound.

13.45 - 14.30
A108: What The Enterprise Needs from Streaming Media
Duncan Burbidge, CEO, StreamAMG, UK
Vince Haines, Managing Director, Digio UK Ltd
Charles Grieve, Managing Director, Brandcast Media
Jon Alexander, Director of Product Marketing, Velocix
Streaming media is inherently unreliable. Corporates insist on reliability. This session will examine the difficult areas of a standard FTSE 250 RFP and see which are problems, which are expensive and which are easy. The session will conclude by recommending the elements of a successful Service Level Agreement. It will be of use both to streaming media companies who need to write/price proposals and corporate buyers who need to construct requests for pricing.

B108: Delivering and Monetising Streaming Video in the International Marketplace
Moderator: Tejpaul Bhatia, CEO, MediaMerx
Oisin Lunny, Product Manager, CDN, Streaming and Media Services, Interoute
Ben Johnson, UK Business Development Manager, Play Networks
Stephen Alstrup, CEO, Octoshape
Morten Petersen, Product and Marketing Manager, Global Delivery Services, Telefónica
Panellists discuss the technical, financial, and regulatory issues in streaming video to emerging markets such as Eastern Europe, South America, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.

14.30 - 15.00
Coffee Break: Coffee Break - Visit the Streaming Media Europe exhibition
15.00 - 16.00
A109: The BBC On Demand
The BBC On Demand
[12:03 am - 12:03 am]

John O'Donovan, Chief Architect, Future Media and Technology Journalism, BBC
The BBC has tried to make On Demand content accessible to a widespread mainstream audience across web, mobile and interactive TV platforms. This includes products like BBC iPlayer and moving to embedded Flash video on the web. But what looks like a simple audience service on the surface belies a re-engineering of BBC prodution and media management to deal with an On Demand world. This case study will look at the extent of the changes made and lessons learnt from the launch of these products.

TV vs. PC – ‘Til Death Do Us Part’
Simon Hudson, Sector Director – Media, Europe, ioko
Britain leads the world in broadcast driven Video On Demand and especially broadband delivered VOD. This session will reflect on the value of VOD, the opportunities it is creating for breadth of content and the probable migration of VOD back from the PC to the living room TV. It will consider the forms this may take and their implications. It will consider what the living room viewer expects, how these expectations may be met and what that means for revenue streams. It will ponder how many VOD platforms can coexist in a typical market and what they may be.

B109: Challenges Facing Internet Radio
Karl Kathuria, Senior Operations Manager, BBC World Service
Alan Ogilvie, Interactive Platforms Producer, Distribution Technologies, Audio & Music Interactive, BBC
Piers Heaton-Armstrong, Area VP, International Consumer Services, RealNetworks
As popular as internet radio is, it still faces obstacles in reaching the largest possible audiences. Our speakers will address the challenges of getting content into countries where there are infrastructure and political challenges; the difficulties and opportunities
brought about by trying to broaden internet radio’s reach; and the fundamental importance of the quality of the listening experience in
generating consumer interest and loyalty.

16.15 - 17.00
A110 & B110: What the Future Holds (Joint Session)
Moderator: Jake Ward, Business Development Director, Groovy Gecko
Mark Little, Principal Analyst, Broadband consumer group, Ovum Research
Hear leading experts and analysts discuss their views on the business and technology opportunities, challenges and trends that lie ahead for the online video industry.


Claude London
Digital Director
BBC Worldwide
Alec Hendry
Director of Digital Media Operations and Development
MTV Networks UK and Ireland
Digby Lewis
Creative Director
Daily Motion

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