Streaming Media Europe 2010
14 - 15 October 2010 - (Preconference Workshops: Wednesday, 13 October 2010)
Novotel London West London, UK
Exhibit Hall Hours
Thursday, 14 October 10.00 - 18.00
Friday, 15 October 10.00 - 15.00
Download Floor Plan [PDF]
Streaming Media Europe 2010 Expo Seminars

Thursday 14 October, 2010
11.00 - 11.30
Microsoft Silverlight Update
Tony Klejna, CEO/CSO, Contributing Editor, Streaming Media Magazine, High Park Media, LLC
An overview of the latest features and developments.

12.30 - 13.00
Flash Video Update
Steve Allison, Technical Evangelist, Strategic Alliances, Adobe Systems
Headline news, latest features and future developments to look out for.  

14.00 - 14.30
Content Delivery Update
Dom Robinson, Director and Creative Firestarter, id3as
Programme Co-Chair Dom Robinson reports back on key findings from the first-ever Content Delivery Summit held in London on 13 October.

15.30 - 16.00
Getting Started with Online Video Platforms
Cameron Church, Technical Director EMEA, Brightcove
What are online video platforms, when should you consider using one, and how to choose between them?

Friday 15 October, 2010
10.45 - 11.15
H.264: The Short Course
Jan Ozer, Owner, Streaming Learning Center
Expert insight and advice help you get up to speed.

11.30 - 12.00
Getting Started with Mobile Video
Tony Klejna, CEO/CSO, Contributing Editor, Streaming Media Magazine, High Park Media, LLC
Want to deliver mobile as part of your communication strategy? This seminar helps you get underway.

12.15 - 12.45
How to Monetise the New TV - Today and Tomorrow
Sorosh Tavakoli, Founder & CEO, Videoplaza
What makes a successful campaign? What lessons can be learned from others’ success?

14.00 - 14.30
Using Video for Corporate Communications
Ben Kittow, CEO, The Streaming Company, UK
Best practice, hints and tips showing how to use online video as a crucial part of your communications strategy.


Anthony Rose
Ben Schofield
Director of Digital
Red Bee Media

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